Learn Responsible Data
Management Practice

Empowering organizations and individuals to manage data with integrity, security, and transparency
for a responsible digital future ahead.


Responsible Data Management Course

In the rapidly evolving digital age, data stewardship requires more than compliance; it necessitates a nuanced understanding and principled approach to safeguarding individuals’ privacy and rights. Supported by the Nigeria Data Protection Act, Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Communication, Innovation, and Digital Economy, alongside other ministries, is advancing the digitization of public services and integrating technology into daily interactions. This course bridges the theoretical aspects of Nigeria’s Data Protection Act with practical knowledge on data rights and responsibilities, helping civil servants navigate data management complexities and mitigate vulnerabilities in public service. By exploring responsible data handling principles and the data management lifecycle, the course provides civil servants with both regulatory knowledge and ethical frameworks, enabling informed decisions that uphold the law and enhance public trust and confidence in institutions.

Join us as we introduce the Responsible Data Management Course

This concise, self-paced online course, designed to be completed in just 2-3 hours, will be available in four cohorts, ensuring broad accessibility and continuous learning opportunities:

– Cohort 1: June 19 – July 17, 2024
– Cohort 2: July 22 – August 17, 2024
– Cohort 3: August 19 – September 14, 2024
– Cohort 4: September 16 – October 12, 2024

Join us to enhance your knowledge and skills in data protection and management!”

Benefits of the Course


Transform your approach to data management with our groundbreaking Responsible Data Management Course.
Join us on a journey to secure, ethical, and efficient data handling

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the target audience for the Responsible Data Management Course?

The course is designed for Heads of IT, Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs), Data Protection Officers (DPOs), IT & Cybersecurity Personnel, and Officers in roles that deal with data processing and privacy within Federal and State MDAs.

What are the main objectives of the Responsible Data Management Course?

The primary objectives are to strengthen the data management capabilities of Federal and State MDAs, ensure compliance with national and international data protection regulations, and enhance the security and privacy of sensitive government data.

How much time investment will this course require?

This is a self-paced, online course, and should take the learner 2-3 hours to complete. For the first cohort, the course will remain LIVE between June 19 – July 17 2024. The second, third, and fourth cohorts will be LIVE between July 22nd – Aug 17th, Aug 19th – Sept 14th, and Sept 16th – Oct 12th respectively.

What is the Responsible Data Management Course?

The Responsible Data Management Course is a comprehensive training program designed to equip professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to manage data responsibly and securely.

Will participants receive any certification upon completion of the course?

Yes, participants will receive a certification upon successful completion of the course, recognizing their expertise and knowledge in responsible data management.

What topics are covered in the course curriculum?

The course covers a wide range of topics, including data protection laws, global perspective on data protection, Nigeria Data Protection Act 2023, data rights, emerging technology, data science and best practices in data handling, providing a comprehensive understanding of responsible data management.

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This is most likely due to bandwidth issues. If you have trouble playing the embedded videos please make use of the alternate jwt player. The jwt player provides access to the videos using a lower bandwidth. Below each embedded video you will find a link to the alternate jwt player for that specific video. Should you prefer, there are also transcripts available for each video. These can also be found at a link below each video.
